Vote for CruCraft

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Server statistics
Votes 0
Last vote BlockOfBananaz
Uptime 82.66 %

Survival Creative PvP Factions Cracked Votifier Server Version 1.8.9


Welcome to CruCraft, a more than a year and a half old server with an extended history now in 1.7.9. CruCraft offers the player a great faction PvP and Raiding experience, and a hybrid Kit PvP server if Factions isnt your cup of tea. We also offer a hardcore Skyblock server with anti greifing tools as well as a Creative server with anti grief plots. CruCraft has a zero tolerance policy for hackers and will ban any that are found on sight. Remember to vote for us to get free stuff and more. CruCraft welcomes you and your friends to being your journey on our server.

A website made with for online servers like Minecraft!
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